Where Cat is, the weather is:
The WeatherPixie

Grrr...stupid counter reset itself!! >>_<<

Prisoner of Azkaban movie:

2002-10-04 - 10:07 a.m.

So it's Friday.

I hate Fridays at work. I swear to gawd, around 4-5:00pm at the liquor store, everyone and their mother and third cousins show up to buy some weekend/Friday night booze. It really sucks...then we get these annoyingly long lines, with annoying people in them that are wicked impatient, and the store is a holy fiasco. It blows...

Oh, well. I get paid for dealing with the people, so...whatever...

I talked to this chick, Annie, last night for a long time. We seem to have a lot in common. I thought, at first, that it was some perverted old man, not an 18-year-old girl, because of the way he was coming on to me. But apparently they're just friends, this guy Alex and the girl, Annie, and they liked me and wanted to see about being friends and, well, maybe more...

And I talked to Mike's ex last night. Apparently I'm not the only person that's been done wrong by him. He's committed credit card fraud, he's psychotic, enjoys playing with people's minds, and is a big fat liar and a thief and a cheat. He feeds off you, takes your personality, and reflects it to you in order to gain your trust. And that's apparently exactly what he was doing with me. She told me that even his kissing, that was so wonderful, was just because he was mirroring my own kisses back onto me.

...hmmm........I guess I'm a good kisser..... ;D

Well, anyway, I guess I need to get going to work...I need to do my homework. But, see, I started tearing apart Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone bit by tiny bit, taking notes on things which may be significant, or I can link to other things.

See, this is what Harry Potter fanatics are doing until the fifth book finally gets its little ass onto the bookshelves.

I took November 15th off, so I can go to the first showing. I plan on buying tickets ahead of time. Now, I just need to find out who exactly I am going with, and to what theater...prices of tickets don't matter to me...as long as I can see it good! =D

I'm so psyched...I can't *wait* to see the movie.

Damn directors and their damn stupid time lines and the damn stupidity of whoever decided Prisoner of Azkaban needed to wait until 2004 to be in the theater.... >.<

I started my Ab Roller thing the other day. My stomach and arm muscles are feeling wicked sore, and so I guess it's working.

I've got to get ready for work. I don't feel like showered. But all I know is I need to leave in like less than 15 minutes.

I feel so fucking broke, it's not even funny...I have about $50 in my bank account....mudderfukkin...... O_o

I just sneezed, and it hurt my stomach where the muscles have been worked out.

David's birthday was yesterday. Seeing him Sunday for his cake or whathaveyou. Hope he doesn't utterly hate my gift....and if so....I guess it just sucks to be him.


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Time for change! - 2004-02-04
Pay It Forward - 2003-08-10
CATS! - 2003-07-25
Happy 4th! - 2003-07-04
In Sirius Denial - 2003-07-01

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