Where Cat is, the weather is:
The WeatherPixie

Grrr...stupid counter reset itself!! >>_<<

Prisoner of Azkaban movie:

2002-12-26 - 9:53 p.m. thru 10:55 p.m.

So. Christmas is over.
...whoopie. -_-
I didn't get a lot, but I got enough. $100 to the Square One Mall, $200 to the Meadow Glen Mall, $100 to Kohl's, $25 to Dockside (a restaurant...apparently my father wants us all to go there together, and gave us each $25 towards it...)
I got $25 to Newbury Comics, and from Katie, got $50 to the Square One Mall, and from Gina and Terri, $20 to the same. Gina gave me a little CZ gold stud...she wanted it to be a nose stud, but unfortunately, it's a regular earring...she meant well, but hey, I can always use another earring! =D

Dad gave me an MTV digital AM/FM radio thing (very portable...cool!), and a big jewelry box. I got the wicked awesome book I had been wanting, the Wizarding World Press's Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter. It's a cool, extremely in-depth analysis of books 1-4, complete with backed predictions and all sorts of things you never even thought possible to decipher from the books, and things J.K. Rowling has said in her interviews and such...

I got a bunh of sweaters and sweatshirts, and some jeans and the like...oh, and I got a wicked cute coin purse that's leather, and the front looks like the face of a tiger/cat! =D It's soooo adorable! =D ^__^

I went to go see Blue Man Group today. So sorry if I don't seem like my usual chipper self tonight...you'll find out why soon...=/
Blue Man Group was great! It was...well.....okay, the critics were right. It is hard to describe! It was with, well...let's just think here, and I'll see what comes to mind to say about it...
men in blue body paint on their hands and faces
drums with paint flying out of them
lots and lots of colour
unvolunteering volunteers dragged from the audience
you felt like you were interacting the whole time
They didn't speak a single word
lots of those
signs that go like this
Cap'n Crunch will never be looked at the same
Cheap, paisley ties(lol)
White Rabbit...the song (feed your heeeeeeeeeeeeeead!)
um...lotsa drums!
drums, drums, drums!
really cool beats
crepe paper, Crepe Paper, CREPE PAPER! =D

Go see it if you had any intention or any inkling of a want to go see it. Sure, it might be WICKED expensive (my mum spent over $60 per seat), but I think it's sorta worth it! ^^
heeheheheheheeheh.....just don't be the LATE ARRIVAL, or you'll get QUITE a surprise! =D

Went to the mall afterwards (Meadow Glen Mall). Got myself (finally!!) a beautiful, long red wool coat, with black velvet-lined hood, and black velvet-covered buttons and cuffs on the sleeves. Veeeerrrrrryyy nice, and very warm! ^_^ There went $80 of my MGM gift certificates!
I got that long, black velvet skirt I had wanted at Old Navy, and at Marshall's, I got this pretty, long crushed purple velvet dress. I'm gonna give it a cute-cute touch, with a corset tie-up and the like. Make my own renaissance gown! =D
I also got a bunch of things at Claire's, and some earrings and crap at Kohl's.
As I type this, I'm currently eating some Haribo "Sour S'ghetti" gummi candy....it's like miniature little sugar-speckled gummi worms, I guess.....ah, I know! It's like cut-up pieces of those sour straw candies. =D
This morning, while I was shaving in the shower, I slipped and shaved off a bit of the fingernail on my left hand. Oh, yum! >_o

Zeke's extremely amusing. First, he doesn't know what Blue Man group is. Then he says he thought Abercrombie and Fitch was a sports brand...then he says he thought it was sold in Gap. >_<

*sigh* I'm not way too excited tonight...I'm actually kinda, well, sorta....not depressed, but upset. I'm starting to feel like Matthew's, well...avoiding me. I hate to even admit this to myself, but my heart hurts every time I call and he doesn't answer. Every damn time I have to leave a message, and I don't get a call back. He hasn't called me on his own since the night before Christmas Eve...and he was very, very upset...

*sighs* We have plans to see each other New Year's Eve...and he'll be spending the night here at my house. And we'll spend the day together on New Year's as well...
If for some reason he cancels out on me, I'm going to give up on him.
Perhaps I get attached too quickly...or perhaps I never give guys a chance to show how they care at all...I'm always the one to have to call, to have to write, to have to show I care. I always buy the gifts and write the heartfelt Emails (okay, so maybe he's written a few...he's ahead of the game...)

*sigh* I don't want to think any more on it tonight. I want to go and read. I need to go to the bathroom. I want to read more of the HP Guide book I got. I want to sleep.......and I want to talk to Matty. =(

...perhaps I scar too easily...or perhaps I expect too much.........I don't know what my problem is. Oh, gee, I know what my problem is. My mother's saying my period is late. >_< I feel sorta shaky, since when I stayed over at Matthew's that night, we didn't use any protection. Stupid of me, really...and we had talked of that, also...he said himself it was common sense to use a condom. Oh, why do I make stupid mistakes? Ah, but he was so FUCKING great.......*sigh*

I'm gonna go check the calendar...my period had just ended when I went and saw Dr. Tierney last...I remember that......funny, I'm supposed to start birth control pills after this next period. Well, lemme go check..........

Okay, so I'm not late. Not yet. My appointment was on the 2nd........okay, wait....so if that was the tapering end of my period...I think it was really short last month...let's say like 4 days, yeah, we'll call it 4...it would have started about, well, the 28th...the 28th of November. Okay, so I think I'm prettymuch cool. But, uh, I guess it's supposed to be on an, um, 28-day cycle? Oh, let me not get ahead of myself....I won't even mention the "p" word.
I'm due about now.....what day did I stay with him? *checks out diary backlogs to find date* ....Tuesday. Tuesday the......17th. Great, Cat, you big fucking git...perfectly in the middle, just about...>_< *slaps forehead*

Anyway, I'm going to sleep now. I don't care to think on any of this any more tonight...

...Matthew said he gave his word that he'd call. Tonight. Funny, it's almost 5 of 11 right now, and I've yet to hear a word from him.

*goes to check cell phone*

Nope. Just as I thought...not a single missed call. *checks buddy list* He's not on...not as though I should have to check anyway. If he was on, he should IM me! I shouldn't have to IM him! *sigh*

Do I really deserve to be hurt so much...?

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Time for change! - 2004-02-04
Pay It Forward - 2003-08-10
CATS! - 2003-07-25
Happy 4th! - 2003-07-04
In Sirius Denial - 2003-07-01

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