Where Cat is, the weather is:
The WeatherPixie

Grrr...stupid counter reset itself!! >>_<<

Prisoner of Azkaban movie:

2002-12-24 - 11:56 p.m.

So this is Christmas...

So much for a fun-filled Christmas Eve! I worked today from about 9:30/9:45 am until 8:00 pm! David picked me up from work, and we came home. Dinner (lasagne for me, and there were wings and, uh, meatballs!) with myself, my parents, and my brother. What a great, big family we have! ;)

Thirteen Christmastimes ago, when I was 5, my grandmother (who lived upstairs, where Gina now lives) passed away. It wasn't Christmas Eve, but it was probably the 15th or something.
Lately, I've been having a lot of memories of her, and missed her so much. I really wish she was still alive....but, alas, she'd be miserable, because my mother said ever since she met her (she was my dad's (adopted) mother), she was always sick. She had a bad heart, and was always in the hospital.
I remember one time, when I was with bitchface, we went and saw her grandmother in the hospital, and I just got this sort of sudden heart pang, an unexpected flashback or memory, because seeing her, lying there in the hospital bed, with the monitors and the tubes all connected to her, I saw my grandmother. Genevieve was her name. She didn't give birth to my father...he was adopted at about nine months of age. I want to know who my blood-related grandparents are (perhaps they're still alive), but I don't think I'll *ever* know, since my father has given up wanting to know.
I really miss my Gramma...
I was in Target the other night, and I saw a candle holder...you know, the "old lady" types, with the netted glass beads, each cut like those crystal drop things that catch the sunlight and cast rainbows on the wall.
(That also reminds me of my cottage, chasing around and watching the rainbows dancing across the walls on the front, screened-in porch...ah, memories...*sigh*)
Well, when I saw this candle holder, I had a horrid brain strain. I knew it from somewhere...and I immediately thought, Gramma!

*SIGH* Ah, well...

So far, we opened a few gifts. I got a big, wooden jewelry chest and a little MTV brand digital radio headset from my father, and a sweater and sweatshirt from my mother. I gave my father, so far, a little Jeff Gordon racing helmet ornament, a $10 Blockbuster gift certificate, and a bag of #24 race car chocolates. They were also in a little bag with Jeff Gordon on it. =)
My mother really loved her gifts from me. I gave her a little miniature figure thing that has a mommy and "baby" penguin set on it, and they're standing on an ice cube/block thing that says "Merry Christmas Mom" on it. I also got her what seems to be her favorite gift so far...a money tree! It's a little tiny miniature evergreen tree (about a foot, foot and a half, tall), and I wrapped up over $30 worth of scratch tickets, each individually, and hung them with ribbon loops from the tree "branhes." How fun! A money tree! ;D
I also gave my brother his gifts...a Tshirt that says "The only thing better than a drunk chick in my room...is two drunk chicks in my room.", a little wooden trinket pen that has a little guy on it getting head (lol), a Lord of the Rings bookmark with a little plastic "gold" ring on the end of the string, where the tassel on the bookmark should be. Also gave'm a box of Spidey Snacks! =D Little Spiderman cookies....heeheehee!

I can't wait 'til the morning! Oh, yeah, and from little Katie's mom, I got a $50 gift certificate to a Simon mall. Woohoo! Hot Topic, here I come! ;D
I'm supposed to be getting a bunch of gift certificates for Christmas....here's hoping! ;D

Well, I'm about to fall asleep...must do so if I want Santa to come, lol! ^_~ heeheehee....as I told my customers...No, Santa's not coming! I've been a naughty little girl! ^_~

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Time for change! - 2004-02-04
Pay It Forward - 2003-08-10
CATS! - 2003-07-25
Happy 4th! - 2003-07-04
In Sirius Denial - 2003-07-01

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