Where Cat is, the weather is:
The WeatherPixie

Grrr...stupid counter reset itself!! >>_<<

Prisoner of Azkaban movie:

2003-01-14 - 9:00 a.m.

I have an appointment with the doctor this morning at 10:30. As you can see, the time is now 9:00, so I must get going, as I've got to shower and get ready, and then have time to actually get there...
Still constantly hungry, more gassy than usual, and always tired...

I was excited last night...it was really late, like around maybe 1am or later, and I went to the bathroom before going to bed. I gave myself another check to see if I was even starting to bleed, and lo and behold...*gasp*...what was it? Ta-daaah! A little trace of blood! After making sure it wasn't just external bleeding or something, I put in a tampon, and then went off to bed. I woke up, getting ready to tell my mom that, guess what, I got my period, and she could call and cancel my appointment, and I was going back to sleep.....and I check, and there's hardly any more on the tampon than when I put it in. Great. Just damn spotting. -_-

Well, I'm going to go shower now...I will let everyone know the verdict as soon as I get home. And, of course, if results are positive...well...I'm sure some people will get a call before anyone else knows...

Matthew being one of those people....sure, we haven't talked in a while...but it would be his, too, so doesn't he have the right to know?

Well, here's hoping it doesn't come to that....sure, I'd love to have a baby, no questions there! I'd give anything to have a child, even now. But my sensible side keeps yelling at me, telling me I don't make a lot of money, I'm living with my damn Mom, I'm eighteen, and I'm not married, or even in a relationship!

And heck, one of the wine salesmen/stock help guys who come into the store took me out for lunch yesterday. He was wicked sweet, and I'll be seeing him again on Friday...I wouldn't want to tell him, "Oh, by the way, you're gonna be getting involved with a pregnant girl."
Well, only time will tell...and this time, the "time" is only about twenty minutes more than an hour away.

Wish me luck...

6:00 pm...

*glares at the blood, seeping from her left pointer finger knuckle, and a bit from the middle....and watches as it stems off like veins in the wrinkles on her skin*
Right...I came in from Target, after Mom dropped me back at home before she went to her Weight Watchers meeting. I was standing on the porch, searching like crazy for my keys, having to pee oh-so-badly. Once I *finally* got the keys out of my bag (right in the first damn place I looked >_<), I grabbed some of the things I had bought...some of those large plastic containers for storage and such. I tried to fit them through the door, unable to move, and being afraid of stepping on the cat (who, of course, was perfectly IN THE WAY), and I scraped up my knuckle on the door. Owww.... >__<

Ah, well...I got three pairs of thongs for a total of $3.48 or something...and bought a bunch of, as I said, plastic containers...and I also got my mom this cute knight and castle set for the kids.

Oh, and I'm NOT PREGNANT! Yayyyyyy!

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Time for change! - 2004-02-04
Pay It Forward - 2003-08-10
CATS! - 2003-07-25
Happy 4th! - 2003-07-04
In Sirius Denial - 2003-07-01

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