Where Cat is, the weather is:
The WeatherPixie

Grrr...stupid counter reset itself!! >>_<<

Prisoner of Azkaban movie:

2003-02-05 - 1:04 a.m.


Mornin. *yawn* About to go to sleep...
This is a test...

If the test fails, you will see a failed-to-load-image thing, with the X-in-the-box. =)~
If it passes, you'll see a cute Draco. Here goes nothing! Wish me luck! *crosses fingers*

2:15 am
Bout to go off to bed...just wanted to add this rant! ^__^ Poor Echo was already a victim to it, so here goes... ;D

KittyGotDarkMark: Ahhh
KittyGotDarkMark: Know what REALLY irks me??
KittyGotDarkMark: When you follow a link or someone sends you a link to something they claim is wicked good fanart
KittyGotDarkMark: And you go to their site....
KittyGotDarkMark: ...and sure, their art's good......but you recognize that all the pics were stolen, re-drawn (basically traced >_<), and they just changed a few things to become another character. Like someone just sent me this site with all these Draco and Harry and sirius and the like...and they were all taken from pics from Saiyuki
KittyGotDarkMark: Why do people do that?? It's like, come on...someone's gonna know you're faking it.
[Echo]: coz they're stupid
KittyGotDarkMark: *laughs* Good explanation! =D
[Echo]: *browses bondage.com*
KittyGotDarkMark: =D
KittyGotDarkMark: aimee'd do that....and the only reason I knew she did it was cuz her style changed EVERY TIME she drew...I knew she was taking someone else's fanart and just re-doing it as another character. Sure, the pics were appreciated...but isn't that plaguerism?
[Echo]: Yup
KittyGotDarkMark: ack...sorry...
KittyGotDarkMark: random tangent of the moment
[Echo]: s'ok :-)
KittyGotDarkMark: heh
KittyGotDarkMark: stuff like that ticks me off
KittyGotDarkMark: sure, copy all you want!
KittyGotDarkMark: Just make sure you say you did so on your website KittyGotDarkMark: Don't say you did it all yourself
KittyGotDarkMark: It's like...oh my gosh...how many times I've seen that pic on the couch of all the Gundam boys posing....re-done as Harry Potter characters, with no claim of it being NOT original
CAGED by FREEDOM: ugh. yeah, that's annoying
KittyGotDarkMark: heh, have you seen that one?
KittyGotDarkMark: lucky you ;-)

Anyhoo, I'm off for the night! Niiiiight! =D

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Time for change! - 2004-02-04
Pay It Forward - 2003-08-10
CATS! - 2003-07-25
Happy 4th! - 2003-07-04
In Sirius Denial - 2003-07-01

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