Where Cat is, the weather is:
The WeatherPixie

Grrr...stupid counter reset itself!! >>_<<

Prisoner of Azkaban movie:

2003-02-15 - 11:49 p.m.

So perhaps there is a god... ^_^;

I thought that Matthew had completely forgotten of my existence, or just hated me...

But tonight, I received an IM from him. And we talked!
Seems that life's been on his bad side for a while...

But I was ecstatic to know that he had sought me out...he had called my work looking for me, and tried my cell phone as well. And as you girls know, it's a compliment for a guy to even do that for you! XD

Well, just wanted to log this in...ciao! ^__^

Sunday, 12:20 amFor the next few days or so...or knowing me, maybe week or so...I'm going to be doing some serious renovating. So for a while, some images just might not load! X( Hopefully nothing major, though...
But my diaryland webspace is at 99% for images, and so one more pic will do me in completely. I need to get rid of some stuff, re-upload, do some downloading, and seek out alternate pages for some stuff...
So sit tight, we may be in for a bumpy ride ahead!

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Time for change! - 2004-02-04
Pay It Forward - 2003-08-10
CATS! - 2003-07-25
Happy 4th! - 2003-07-04
In Sirius Denial - 2003-07-01

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