Where Cat is, the weather is:
The WeatherPixie

Grrr...stupid counter reset itself!! >>_<<

Prisoner of Azkaban movie:

2003-03-16 - 1:35 p.m.

The Love Test! Go take it!

3:50 pm

Just thought I'd show you. In an RP, I gave Snape a kitten. Seraphim.

6:35 pm

The Back-and-Forth War

Ah, isn't it just great? Have you ever had a back-and-forth war with someone? So entertaining, when you're the one who's calm, and laughing...when someone else on the other end is being an absolute turd.

See what I mean here:

It all started on the "Order of the Phoenix Spoilers" Yahoo! Groups discussion, in which lordoftheringsfreak11 said this:
Date: Sun Mar 9, 2003 6:50 pm
omg!!! u slytherin luvers!!!! when will u understand??? whoever u guyz r, ur names should be WRONG............juss kidding but reely.............gryffs are cool. how can u like hp books if u hate gryffindor??

I kid you not. This was copied directly from the post. It's amazing that plebes can be so damned accurate sometimes...

Here's a copied-and-pasted excerpt with the info. relevant to this...

From: kittygotdarkmark@a... Date: Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:10 pm
Okay....lordoftheringsfreak, please, hun.........I'm not much older than you, but please ditch the immaturity bit, and type out words. WORDS.....WORDS.....WORDS.......to quote Hamlet. ;)
Anyway, yeah, I'm wicked tired....but sorry, the whole "im guna typ lik dis n o gryffs r sooo kewl" bit is extremely annoying. EXTREMELY annoying! And I'm sure I'm not the only one who was annoyed...simply the only one not afraid of a backlash from a 14-year-old. And plese, little one, don't respond to this. Not unless you have something intelligent to say. Oy... *rubs the bridge of her nose*

And then, this:

Date: Sat Mar 15, 2003 2:27 pm
In a message dated 3/15/2003 2:21:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, [email protected] writes:
>>I'm glad some one else said it. That kind of typing only takes away from your point and decreases the chance of you being taken seriously. And it gives me a headache to look at. (And I'm 17, so no crying about the old-fogey adults picking on you)<<

Glad to know people are feeling me here.
...well, not me, per se...but feeling what I mean ;) You know what I mean! *laughs*
Anyway, I was afraid people would be jumping down my throat for being mean to the little girl...lol...I'm glad I was wrong! =D
Lotsa luvvin',

Now, in Email, I get this:

Date: 3/15/2003 3:06:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: LoRd Of ThE rInGs FrEaK ([email protected])
To: [email protected]

what little girl??and i have been thinking about telling you this....

if you have a problem with how i email.........good for you. thats not my problem and i am really 17 so youre not that much older than me. if you dont believe me look at my profile

Then, I come back...

Date: 3/15/2003 8:47:16 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: KittyGotDarkMark
To: [email protected]

You're taking this -way- too seriously.



Then, this person butts in...who seems like the same person...see what I mean?

From: "Legolasluver" [email protected]
Date: Sat Mar 15, 2003 4:18 pm
Subject: Re: Digest Number 111

why were you so hard on the poor girl? its not her fault you are the first person who loves writing out words instead of shortening them. golly, if it wernt for the OOTP coming out, i would have quit the group like lightning after your catty remarks and your quotes from hamlet. i mean, how many 18 year olds like hamlet? not me. sorry but next time if you have a problem with someone typing in a certain way, please, if it is your problem, leave them alone.

To which someone else replied:

From: abbeyroad1282@n...
Date: Sat Mar 15, 2003 8:24 pm

It may have been a little harsh but isn't it also rude to say, " your quotes from hamlet. i mean, how many 18 year olds like hamlet? not me." I mean, you may not like the way she chose to use the quotes but don't insult her for enjoying classic literature. That is unfair and could hurt the feelings of other people in the group who like "Hamlet" and/or similiar works.

From: [email protected]
Date: Sun Mar 16, 2003 3:08 pm

Sweetie, please, let her go on! Insulting classic literature, especially Shakespeare, only displays an extreme personal ignorance, and a lack of common sense. This is a group for discussion, and I would be willing to bet that 90% of the members of any discussion group of any form of literature, has read at least one Shakespeare play, and enjoyed it. Anyone with a single ounce of intellect would know better than to insult great works of literary art...especially on a list for fans of literature. Yes, children...Harry Potter is literature.

Insulting classic literature is simply immature.
Adults can admit that they do not understand Shakespeare, but attempting at insulting his works only insults the speaker of the insult his or herself.

And now, can we get on with the Harry Potter discussion? Thank you! =D


PS: I would be willing to bet that lordoftheringsfreak11 and legolaslover are the same person.
Or, if anything, friends in real life, and lord... employed leg... to do her dirty work. *smirk*

And then....real "real fun" started....

Date: 3/16/2003 4:44:13 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: SaMmY sHaKe ([email protected])
To: [email protected]

think all you want.............ignorant!!!! sorry but I like adventure.......not shakespeare. and i dont even know that girl. anyway........please put an end to this arguement....it is getting tiring. so who is your favorite character in HP? just trying to make life a little easier. you know, you two should become friends.....maybe not friends but at least please stop trying to make an aguement (no offense)

So, feeling this person actually had a point, I responded with a long Email, hoping it would make her smarten up, and see that I'm not a bad person.

That's the funny thing. I don't -want- to make an argument. I just really cannot stand stupidity.
It's an extremely annoying character trait.

I love adventure. I love a thrill. I am an attractive girl, who's flirty and fun, loves guys (and gets them, too!), and constantly making people laugh. I'm one of those people that smiles at strangers, and has hugged these strangers, if they tell me their lives are awful.
In fact, my life is pretty damned awful. But I could tell you about it, and make you feel sorry for me... or I could smile, and make you laugh, and send you off with that smile still on your face, and my words in your heart.

I'm simply witty. That's where these snide remarks come from, that you have seen.

I'm not a geek or a nerd, or a very big reading enthusiast. I am extremely smart, and have an unusually high reading and comprehension level, and have ever since I was very small. Heck, I started reading when I had just turned three.

But I do like Shakespeare, and yes, Hamlet's my favourite play. Also, Kenneth Branagh, along with Robin Williams, Kate Winslet, and a whole slew of excellent actors, made quite a stunning performance of Hamlet. The movie is over three hours long, and is spoken word-for-word from the original writings of Shakespeare himself.

I am glad, however, to have read your Email. When I opened it, I thought, with a roll of my eyes, "here we go...she's going to make a fool of herself *again*..."
But I was surprised. =)
And happily surprised.
You're apparently not like her, and seem to have a good head on your shoulders.

Who is my favourite Harry Potter character? It's very hard to decide. I'm a fan of the Malfys (but only Draco and Lucius ;) ), and also a fan of Tom Riddle *and* Voldemort. I love Hermione's character occasionally, and I am enthralled with the aspiring young actress, Emma Watson. To be honest, she has opened my eyes to the character of Hermione.
Besides, I was just like Hermione when I was eleven.
*smiles* And before and after that. I used to be the little snotty geek, with poufy hair and braces, who stayed after school to help the teachers. I got all A's, and did extra work to get ahead.
I once got detention for, get this...starting a test before I was supposed to. My teacher was upset because, even though I was punished for it, I still got a perfect score on the test.

Can you believe that the same girl that did this in junior high...left high school in her junior year?

Quite amazing. Heh...

Anyway, I've been writing too much here. So you're probably bored, and maybe didn't even read the whole thing...just glanced through it, reading several key words. ^_~

I'm off! Talk to you soon!


And then....after all this...

Subj: Re: (no subject)
Date: 3/16/2003 5:34:11 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: SaMmY sHaKe ([email protected])
To: [email protected]

omg ure the idiot

I wrote back:

Excuse me? What was all of this about peacemaking and such?
Then you call me an idiot, with horrific spelling.
Please...grow up.

Subj: Re: (no subject)
Date: 3/16/2003 5:42:41 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: SaMmY sHaKe
To: [email protected]

ok i finally read your whole boring email and it just occured to me how absolutely snobbish you are. i would never in my life try to make friends with you. youre disgusting me with your selfabosrbedness.. so wat if that isnt a word? at least im not a bitch

Wow. She thinks she's great, eh, folks? Oh, but remember! She's not a bitch! ^_~

Subj: Re: (no subject)
Date: 3/16/2003 6:21:42 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: KittyGotDarkMark
To: [email protected]

I will tell you only this.
You're an idiot.
You're extremely immature.

I am eighteen.
You think I'm self-absorbed? That's quite a lark. Your lack of common sense is showing through once again.

Have a great life. Please...walk in front of a truck.

PS: In no way did I insult you, before this last Email. I was talking to you the way I'd talk to anyone. Level-headedly, describing the situation, and being kind.

But apparently, you proved to me that first instincts should always be listened to. I thought you were an idiot...then I thought you were actually all right.

Apparently, my first thought was correct.

Date: 3/16/2003 5:37:49 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: SaMmY sHaKe ([email protected])
To: [email protected]

haha u think ure cool? well i dont how old are you anyway? 9? and u think u kno more than i do?

Yeah. I think I'm real cool... -__- *sigh* Pathetic, really......

And, since she couldn't keep up with me, here was her random Email...

Subj: Re: (no subject) Date: 3/16/2003 6:30:58 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: SaMmY sHaKe
To: [email protected]
Same to you.

Subj: Re: (no subject)
Date: 3/16/2003 6:32:22 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: KittyGotDarkMark
To: [email protected]

That...has to be the most mature, original, and intelligent response I have ever heard!

Subj: Re: (no subject)
Date: 3/16/2003 6:33:17 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: SaMmY sHaKe
To: [email protected]

Kindly??!!!???!!!??? Yea sure, calling me names is nice. Yup. Anyway, if you don't quit emailing me, I'll have no choice but to block you. At first I also thought you were okay, but I thought wrong.

Subj: Re: (no subject)
Date: 3/16/2003 6:43:14 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: KittyGotDarkMark
To: [email protected]

Apparently, you don't know how to read correctly. Perhaps if you went back to kindergarten, and got a brush-up on proper English, grammer, and most importantly, this READING business...then you'd be able to function normally in society. Good luck!


Thank goodness! So far, I have yet to receive another Email. Yay!!

More updates from the idiot if they come!

Pssst...wanna be an anonymous jerk? heheheh....

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Time for change! - 2004-02-04
Pay It Forward - 2003-08-10
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In Sirius Denial - 2003-07-01

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