Where Cat is, the weather is:
The WeatherPixie

Grrr...stupid counter reset itself!! >>_<<

Prisoner of Azkaban movie:

2002-11-03 - 7:57 p.m.

Yay! Sunday! ...Okay, maybe there isn't quite a reason for saying "yay," but, well...whatever. *grin*

Halloween was such fun! Unfortunately, though, I came down with laryngitis during the day.

I woke up, of course, and showered, then got into my Slytherin student Hogwarts uniform! Yay! ^__^ No, unfortunately nobody had a camera, so there aren't any pictures, but I'm going to be dressing up again for the premiere on the 15th, and so I'll have pictures taken then! =D
(I may be taking Gina, my 11-year-old Hermione, and perhaps Katie, my 9-year-old Ginny, with me...or at least dressing them up to take pictures! ^^)

There was a little boy, about maybe 12, dressed as Harry, with whom I had some fun in the form of a little roleplaying. I stood, smirking, and said "Well, lookie here...I guess I'll have to be doing something about this," while uncrossing my arms and taking out my "wand" and aiming it at him. I shouted out "Densaugeo," and he just sort of stared at me. heehee

We'll just say it ended with him running into his house. heeheehee....silly little muggle ^_~

Of course, I was extremely ticked that my Hermione and Ginny lacked brains, and so kept running into the middle of the road! Ahhh! >.< I could have killed them! They know better than that!!

Well, anyway, I've got to get to my homework and my online biz stuff and things like that, but let me say that I spent a good portion of my day watching the November 3rd (today ;) ) London Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets premiere. It was wicked good! ^__^ I so can't wait to see the movie! I am not going to be able to sleep well until I've seen it! And then, of course, I'll have to see it again...and again...and again...and again... ^_~

Oh, last night I had a WEIRD dream! I hadn't had a dream with Aimee for a long, long time! To make a long story short, I had gotten on a bus and went to Minnesota to, I think, go get my stuff. I don't recall all of what happened, except that at one time, I was apparently a diary (I don't think even I want to know...lol...I'm turning into Tom Riddle ^_~), and I hid out somewhere and got frozen in time and knocked out by a toy robot. Riiight...

But the oddest thing was that Aimee apparently had our baby still living with her...*blink blink* We had, I guess, adopted a baby while we were living together, and I had left without him. Cute, pudgy little boy he was! And very good, too! ^_~

Anyway, I said I wanted to take him with me, and she refused...I asked if she loved him, and fed him, and read to him and took care of him and yada yada yada...and she said yes to all...except when I asked if she got up in the middle of the night when he cried, she said "no," only when he cried when it was a little while before she was due to wake up. *sighs, rolls her eyes*

Right...anyway...heh heh heh........moving right along...

Oh, I saw Sweet Home Alabama the other night. Wicked cute movie! Really! It was sweet, and I almost cried! ^__^ Okay, maybe I cried a little...teehee ^^

Oh, yeah! Back to Harry Potter... ;D

Here are some screen shots I made from the premiere thing I was watching...it ran a bunch of ads for the movie, and contained some really fun pictures! Here's a sampling!

Someone get this boy a tissue...

Look! It's Moaning Myrtle!

Lucius, perhaps entering Borgin and Bourkes?

Snape is so hot, he's on fire!

Okay, so maybe he's throwing fire, but still, you get the point...

Lucius wants Harry. He wants to do naughty things to him. Very badly. ...And Ron's jealous...

You touched Snape where?! I'll KILL YOU!!

So this is what happens when you let Lockhart handle things...

Malfoy and his goons, in all their glory...okay, in all their greenish glory...

Another shot of Myrtle, with Ron this time

And Draco, just looking...ticked...

(Then again, what else is new...?)

And now, from the premiere, not from the movie...

This takes guts. This takes a LOT of guts!

(Yes, that does say "SEAN show us your BIGGERSTAFF"!!!!)

Tom Felton! Unfortunately, he had to learn the hard way that while a white shirt and black tie looks good, a black shirt and white tie, well, doesn't.

Side note: It seems that all the cast members who attended the premiere decided to dress as horribly as possible...go to harrypotter and check out the premiere to see it all...or find premiere pics...I assure you, little Bonnie Wright's (Ginny) outfit makes it ALL worth the time... -_-)

Tom Felton looks like he should join a boy band in this picture.

I love the little guy, but am I right, or what?

And now, some pictures I found that I didn't do myself...

This is extremely, extremely frightening. So frightening that I am not putting it right here, but I am putting up a link instead. It's with Tom Felton as Draco, and....someone else...

A French poster! I want one!

Lucius at Flourih and Blotts. YUM!

And, saving the best for last, a yummy, yummy picture with a hilarious article! I especially love what he says about his "chemistry" with Draco!

Bwahaha! ENJOY!

And now, my mother's on my case, so I must be going! See ya later! ^__^

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Time for change! - 2004-02-04
Pay It Forward - 2003-08-10
CATS! - 2003-07-25
Happy 4th! - 2003-07-04
In Sirius Denial - 2003-07-01

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