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Grrr...stupid counter reset itself!! >>_<<

Prisoner of Azkaban movie:

2002-11-10 - 3:29 p.m.


Why the hell am I writing a post up on Sunday, and claiming it to be Saturday?
Yesterday, Saturday, November 9, 2002, was the day I saw:

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets!

Yes, you read right. I saw an advance screening of HPCoS. It was the most exciting thing to happen in a long time...something I wasn't expecting until just a few days before.

Okay, some background information first, perhaps? About a week or so ago, around the beginning of the month, I was sitting there eating breakfast before work. Now, in the morning, that early (about 6-6:30 sometime), I'm dead. I'm barely awake, and I don't pay attention to anything except eating, and that's because I have to, not because I want to. But then, on the radio, I hear something about Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets being opened on November 9. I'm thinking, what the hell? They were kidding, of course. I dipped back into my sleepy world. But then I heard key words: advance screening, Chamber of Secrets, Nov 9, win tickets, 10th caller, call now! I jumped up so fast I think I could have knocked the table over. I wouldn't have cared. I ran with the phone into the other room and began calling. My fingers couldn't punch in the numbers fast enough. My heart was pounding. This was it. I was going to win! I had to win. I was going to see Harry Potter as soon as humanly possible!
The phone kept ringing on the contest line. Nobody was answering, or I got a busy signal or "all circuits are busy" message. I was so excited I couldn't bring myself to be pissed. I was determined to keep calling until I won.
Minutes and minutes passed, and I still hadn't gotten through. But I wouldn't give up. I had to win.....and then someone answered!

"Kiss 108."

"Yeah! Hi! Did you get a winner yet?"

"Yes we did. Sorry."

"Ooohhhh, noooooooo!" I whined out, trying to keep myself from crying. I knew I deserved those tickets more than anyone else...

"Will you be giving away any more?"

"One more set before 10."

"Thanks!" I hung up and went back to finsh my breakfast, listening extremely closely to the radio.

I didn't hear another contest, and I had given up hope. It was pointless to sit there and complain and cry about something I couldn't help. And so I wasted some time by going online to Kiss108.com, and--gasp!--what would you know? You could enter online! They had to have more tickets. So what the hell? I tried my luck and entered. There was a box to fill out comments, and I explained how big of a fan I was, and how much I would love to see the movie, and what I would do to see it!

Days passed. Nothing. I had forgotten all about it. I was determined to win tickets to a November 14th showing through AOL. But then the contest came and went, and I didn't receive an Email notifying me that I had won tickets. I then purchased two tickets online to a November 15th, 10 am showing at the theater closest to my house.

I came home from work one day, and there was the usual mail. And then there was a fat piece of mail from Kiss. I thought, no, it can't be this...they're mailing me to say "thanks for entering the contest, better luck next time" like a denied credit card application.

And inside, there were four tickets. Four. I had won tickets!

My screams could have been heard halfway across the country. I was going to see Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets almost a week before it opened!!

So yesterday morning, I got up bright and early, dressed in my Halloween costume, Slytherin cap-a-pie, and took little 11-year-old Gina, without her Hermione costume, but *with* her Gryffindor cloak, to go to the Fenway Theatre in Boston. I met up with my friends, Danielle and Meaghan, to whom I had given the extra two tickets. The line was extremely long, even though I got there an hour ahead of time. And since I was wearing my costume, complete with Slytherin scarf, I got a cheerful greeting of "Boo! Slytherin!" from the crowd as I walked past. I just grinned and waved or curtseyed or bowed to them. ^-^ But I got many compliments on the costume. Everyone, of course, knew what I was dressed as. For once. That was damned cool! ^_^v

I broke out my trivia from the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Trivia Game, and started playing with Danielle and Meaghan. A bunch of people joined in, too. It was great fun! A woman said if they had trivia inside, I'd definitely win. ^__^
And then the line started to move. Excitement was definitely in the air! Everyone was trying hard to contain themselves, us included. Gina was wicked hyper...
We all saw a group of some Indian or Middle-Eastern kids cutting past everyone, and there was a huge echo of "Um, NO!" and the like. Unfortunately, they got in...they must have been a school group or something. Ah, well...
And then the time came to get into the theater. We got 2nd row seats! Unfortunately, I'm wicked nearsighted and I had forgotten my glasses, but I love sitting up front...but Danielle and Meaghan sat in the middle somewhere towards the back, since neither of them liked the front. Ah, well. ^_~
Once we were all settled, they did have some trivia. But it sucked. They asked about four questions....I don't know if I recall them all, but they were lame, and they purposely let little kids answer. One was "What school does Harry attend?" Another was "What's the name of the bully?" The next was "What's the name of the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in this movie?" And there was another that I forget. It was rather disappointing to have them give prizes for lame-o questions like that.

Then they told us to call off a count of "1...2...3!" And the movie began. There was lots of screaming, whistling, and clapping.
The movie started with coming down through the clouds, and then going over the extremely fake-looking (on purose) area around Privet Drive, then closing in on the top bedroom (which, of course, leaves a total loophole for the poor saps who have only seen the movies, because they skipped the part in the first movie where the Dursleys gave Harry the second bedroom), and seeing Harry looking sad and longingly out the window, over a book. He closes the book, I think, and then we see cute little Hedwig rapping at her cage and screeching, and biting at the lock. Harry talks to her, and tells her to be quiet. Then we hear the cry of "Harry Potter!" from Vernon. Harry tells Hedwig she's really gone and done it now, and Harry goes on downstairs.
We see Petunia's fabulously made dessert, and then Vernon being meticulous with fussing over Dudley's bowtie. Dudley hasn't seemed to have gained much weight, which is a disappointment to the books, since Rowling says he has reached the size and weight of a baby killer whale in this book, I believe. Or at least that his bottom would droop over either side of a chair if he were to sit down.

There's no mention of Harry's birthday, of course, and then the Masons are due to arrive, and Harry goes on upstairs.
Too cute! We see Dobby jumping on the bed!

Oh, damn, I'm going WAYYY too into detail! Let's cut to the review here..... *grin*

I think that there was way too much time spent on Dobby. The makers of the movie obviously liked their little computer creation, and so gave him more air time than Lucius. Heh...
Oh, yeah! And that brings me to another thing! They cut out the scene in Borgin & Burkes with Lucius & Draco. There's no mention of his extreme jealousy of Harry, no hinting at the dark arts items Lucius has, and even though he's listed in the credits, no Mr. Borgin! And he just walks right on out of the shop (Harry, that is), and into Knockturn Alley. I'm extremely reminded of a scene from one of The Omen movies where the guy is walking down the dirty alley and sees the freaky people chanting and carrying the crosses, which they quickly invert. Harry almost bumps into a man who looks like he's been living under that bridge/walkway for quite some time! Then the woman who says "Not lost, are you?" gets his attention, and then she's joined by some more of the scary-looking witches and wizards, who touch him, and tell him to come with them. Then Hagrid, of course, cuts in by calling out "Harry!" The next second, we see them entering Diagon Alley. Kind of a disappointment.

Lockhart is portrayed rather well by Hamlet--I mean Kenneth Branagh. But I still stand by what I had said when I found out who was playing...I think they should have gotten someone younger and better-looking, since this is how I, at least, pictured him.
But, of course, Mr. Branagh is an extremely talented actor, and so he pulls it off rather nicely. He's a bit more dramatic, and less in love with himself, than he seems to be in the book. Keep in mind, I'm not complaining...the movie was great!! ^__^

This is very, very disappointing. There is NO fight between Lucius and Arthur in Flourish & Blotts!! *cries*

Oh, hey, let's see what I recall.........Oh, Emma Watson's an extremely wonderful little actress! Her talent really shows in this movie! She really does extremely believable natural emotions and reactions for Hermione very well.
Ah, and Crabbe and Goyle play the parts very well. Big, stupid, and, well....brainless.
HAHAHAHA! The best thing...after the Polyjuice Potion....when "Crabbe" and "Goyle" are confronted by Percy Weasley, and little shit (my precious little thing! ^__^) Draco bitches him (Percy) out....Draco asks Goyle (I think O_o...the one Harry turned into) why he's wearing glasses (which the actor really looks somewhat handsome in ;) ), and "Goyle" responds, "Uh...reading." Draco looks almost shocked, and smiles, and responds, "I didn't know you could read." Draco is excellent in the movie, of course! ^_~

Ah, two mistakes with the book-to-movie translation that I realized. First, there is no mention at all of Percy's girlfriend, and poor little Ginny is seen maybe three times actually awake, four at the very most. Poor little thing... -_-

Next, in the book, Harry, in turning into Goyle, immediately removes his glasses, because his vision is all messed up, and he decides that Goyle didn't need them. So, as amusing as the comment from Draco was, he never should have seen Goyle wearing Harry's glasses.

Raising a lot of "oooooohhh"s from the audience, Draco sees a little wrapped gift in the common room while talking to the dynamically rejected duo, and asks if the gift is theirs. When they shake their head, he looks around and pockets it. Little shit! :D
After, when "Crabbe" and "Goyle" are turning back into Ron and Harry and are looking to make their quick escape, Draco takes out the stolen gift and opens it. He begins examining his newfound "gift" as Haryle and Robbe (heehee) are running out.
Oh, and Draco mentions nothing of what's hidden in his father's study, from what I remember!

The entire movie was, though, of course, excellent, and I would recommend for anyone to see it! It was extremely well-done, and it's obvious that Chris Columbus read all four books.

One of the things that made me gasp and let out a laugh/cry of surprise was that, after Harry tricks Lucius into freeing Dobby, Lucius takes his wand (which, adorably enough, is part of his kick-ass snake staff! ^_^!!), and hurries towards Harry. I don't remember exactly what is said, but Lucius raises his wand and lets out a deep hiss of "Avada-" before he was interrupted. HE WAS GOING TO CAST AVADA KEDAVRA on Harry! That's so fucking excellent!!! :D Yay yay yay yay yay!!!!

Well, anyway, I'm still basking in my excitement...if you'd like to talk about the movie or *anything*, feel free to IM me at KittyGotDarkMark on AIM, or, of course, Email me at [email protected]

Now, I'm off to play some more of the Chamber of Secrets PC game! ^__^ YAY! :D heehee....

Ah! And stay tuned! I took some pictures of me in my Slytherin costume, and they should be ready and up within a week! ^_____^

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Time for change! - 2004-02-04
Pay It Forward - 2003-08-10
CATS! - 2003-07-25
Happy 4th! - 2003-07-04
In Sirius Denial - 2003-07-01

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