Where Cat is, the weather is:
The WeatherPixie

Grrr...stupid counter reset itself!! >>_<<

Prisoner of Azkaban movie:

2002-11-16 - 12:18 a.m.

Yes, I'm aware the date says it's Saturday. But who cares? I'm writing about my day. My Friday! ^__^

Went out and saw Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets again! :D Yay! Met Annie for the first time in person...she was cool! :) I think I could be friends with her really easily! ^^

On the way home on the train (I was wearing my rugby Slytherin shirt all day, and had my Slytherin scarf, too, of course), I was about to sit down, when I looked across from me and saw--gasp!--a guy of about 20 wearing the same shirt, in blue and grey/silver (why Ravenclaw colors????), with the Gryffindor symbol!! I remember grinning and saying "Well, now we're going to have a conflict..."
And the rest is history! ^_~
Okay, well, maybe not...but I'm tired as it is, and don't feel like typing up everything I remember of the conversation. His name was Eric, he was cool, and hell, he was a Harry Potter fan. Too bad I'm a bigger fan than everyone. Hahahahaha! ^_~

Anyway, I decided to give myself and my faithful, loyal readers (all two of them) some delicious eye candy! Yum yum yum! Eat it all up!

And be sure to come back for seconds, when I get up some pictures of the magnificent, wonderful moi (yeah, right ^_~) in downtown Boston in my Slytherin uniform! :D

I want to have his staff this close to me...

Looking hot and adorable...as usual...*grin*

(Harry: Voldemort killed my parents...)

Lucius: Did he now...?

Draco's adorable....though in this picture, he looks extremely mugglescent, and his buck teeth and extremely obvious! ^_~

"Daddy....help me.....I've been....hurt..."

Draco and his classic little smug smirk!

Does he not look like he's about to say "Fuck you, Potter"??

Even though this pic is wicked fuzzy, Draco's still cute as hell!

"I'm hot...and I KNOW it!"

"I'm gonna bloody kill you!"

Snape is just...annoyed...

Happy to find that a Gryffindor has fuckered up again

A somewhat scary smile...O_o

At least he'll no longer feel any pain!

(Funny, that looks pretty squickishly painful to me! X| )

This should have come *before* the other Herbology pic, but oh, well...deal.....seen the movie, you know the scene. Didn't? Then go away already...!!!!

Well, I;'ve got more, but I'm dozing off. Night!

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Time for change! - 2004-02-04
Pay It Forward - 2003-08-10
CATS! - 2003-07-25
Happy 4th! - 2003-07-04
In Sirius Denial - 2003-07-01

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