Where Cat is, the weather is:
The WeatherPixie

Grrr...stupid counter reset itself!! >>_<<

Prisoner of Azkaban movie:

2002-11-18 - 3:27 p.m.

Yet another Monday without working. Oh, well...
I was slightly ticked. Last night, Jason and I talked, and agreed on meeting up this morning for breakfast, and then he'd take me around so I could do my errands. We had agreed on 10:00 for him to come pick me up.

Well, to make a long story short, I was sitting there, waiting, getting annoyed and slightly aggravated. I wanted to go out, I wanted to go eat since I was starving...and it was about 10:15. I called. Nothing. Damn voice mail picked up. This repeated until about 10:45, then 11:00. I called and told him if he didn't call back in about ten minutes, I was going to just go about my business all on my own. Well, about 11:15 he finally called. Ack, how annoying to have to wait so long...*sigh*
So we went out for lunch at Old Country Buffet and talked, and I got to develop my film at the 1 Hour Photo from stupid CVS. Also got to drop off something I needed to send at the post office. Gee, what fun. Then I came home, and already it was like almost 3 pm. So here I sit.

Anyway, got my Hogwarts notebook from Echo (yay!), my Yaoi VCD (it has Ai No Kusabi OVA 1 & 2, Lesson XX, Joker, After School at the Teacher's Lounge, and Rotten Teacher's Equation). I want to get that yaoi anime with the infamous corn-on-the-cob scene. *grin*

Well, I got some pictures of me in my Slytherin uniform online. They suck. Really...

Here's the first pic. It makes me look about 40 pounds heavier than I am, and looks like I have mad rolls. *laughs* I'm not skinny, but I do NOT look like this. And my costume looked nicer...oh, and I'm holding a Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans bag, and in my hand is a real, authentic movie Galleon, Sickle, and Knut. *grin* Too bad...I'll have to scan them or something...

The next pic is wicked blurry, but shows the full costume together.

I actually kinda like this picture. My famous, loverly Slytherin scarf, and my velvet cape/cloak. Wheee! ^__^

Mmmmkay, and here's my little Gina. She's the one who had dressed as Hermione for Halloween. She refused to wear her whole costume, and her hair is up. Oh, well...she's still adorable. *grin*

And here is Muggle Boston, seen from the 34th floor of a building in towntown Boston. You can see my reflection in the window...note the Slytherin patch ^_~

Ah, and here's the set-up above my futon bed. *grin* I added two postcards to the wall...a fairy and a pretty pic with a man, woman, and a dragon.

And last, but definitely not least, here's my ickle collection of action figures.

Unfortunately, the picture of my Quidditch Practice Lego set didn't come out. Too bad. Ah, well...
Above my bed, there's Dobby's Escape, Flying Lesson, Dueling Club, and, of course, Slytherin House. There's an easy hundred bucks! ^_~

Well, anyway, I'm gonna go watch some yummy, yummy porno yaoi hentai. Yum!! :D I so don't feel like going to class tonight...ack...

*yawn* I'm tired...and I need to...*gasp!*...balance out my checkbook! *cue Psycho music*
Catch you later! ^__^

Oh, do me a favor! Go and check out my Ebay auction listings. You never know what you'll find! ;) Okay, so maybe you do...heehee

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Time for change! - 2004-02-04
Pay It Forward - 2003-08-10
CATS! - 2003-07-25
Happy 4th! - 2003-07-04
In Sirius Denial - 2003-07-01

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