Where Cat is, the weather is:
The WeatherPixie

Grrr...stupid counter reset itself!! >>_<<

Prisoner of Azkaban movie:

2003-01-23 - 12:35 p.m.

I'm off to go meet Kate! YAY!!!! ^___^

Last night, I made a comparison picture compilation thing of Daniel Radcliffe and Elijah Wood. No, they're not dead ringers for each other, but I think they're wicked similar. Okay, maybe not WICKED simiar, but, well...you be the judge!

Here are the pictures I made:

Mostly in-character

Daniel R and Elijah W

Well? What do you think? Let the world know! =D

And now....an interlude of CHIPMUNKS! ...why? Because they're bloody ADORABLE! LoL

Have a great day! ;D

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Time for change! - 2004-02-04
Pay It Forward - 2003-08-10
CATS! - 2003-07-25
Happy 4th! - 2003-07-04
In Sirius Denial - 2003-07-01

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