Where Cat is, the weather is:
The WeatherPixie

Grrr...stupid counter reset itself!! >>_<<

Prisoner of Azkaban movie:

2003-01-24 - 12:28 a.m.

Dude. My mom snores like a pig in heat.

Not that I'd know what a pig in heat sounds like, but still...

If you haven't noticed, by the times of my posts, I'm a night owl. Ah, well...

Hey, they have some pretty cool tests and such online...look at this one! Test your colour vision

Anyway, today I met Kate! YAY! =D ^__^ She was wicked adorable....and so cool to be with! =) We chatted the whole day away...heeheehee...and we decided that we have to get together again soon and go see Chamber of Secrets! ^__~

Well, I'm getting tired....be sure to click the little "previous" link below....and go answer my poll! =D

Night, all!!!!

PS: To ANYONE who's tried to call my cell phone in the past few days, it's DOWN...Email me if there's something up, or whathaveyou. Thanks!

3:49 a.m.
finds me....

ScoobieSnacks02: im working on a moving graphic based on DRACO
KittyGotDarkMark: ooohhhh
KittyGotDarkMark: And he's bobbing his head in front of L[ucius]'s crotch?
ScoobieSnacks02: LOL.
ScoobieSnacks02: no.
ScoobieSnacks02: he should be doing that to me
ScoobieSnacks02: but NO... he's not.
ScoobieSnacks02: that 15 yr old man whore.
KittyGotDarkMark: You want him to give you a blowjob?
KittyGotDarkMark: heeheehee
ScoobieSnacks02: who wouldnt?!
KittyGotDarkMark: hmmm
KittyGotDarkMark: I see
KittyGotDarkMark: You're one of those chicks with dicks
KittyGotDarkMark: ;)
KittyGotDarkMark: Ah.....no response...
KittyGotDarkMark: hmmm....you ARE a girl with a penis?
KittyGotDarkMark: *goes to check the schedules for the next flight to Michigan*


ScoobieSnacks02: im a FEMALE
ScoobieSnacks02: and i refuse to take a picture of my CROTCH just for you
KittyGotDarkMark: hmmmm
KittyGotDarkMark: funny....you're the one offering


KittyGotDarkMark: In his review of �Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,� Chicago Sun-Times film critic Roger Ebert made it a point to mention that Watson is in �the early stages of babehood,� while Barbara Hoffman of the New York Post wrote in late October that �these days, 13-year-old Daniel looks as if he's ready to trade his Nimbus 2000 broomstick for a Nissan 350Z - and that Harry's next close shave may with a Bic.�
ScoobieSnacks02: *ROTFLMAO!*
KittyGotDarkMark: *giggles*
KittyGotDarkMark: ^__^
ScoobieSnacks02: thats friggin grand
ScoobieSnacks02: BUT
KittyGotDarkMark: Ain't it though??
ScoobieSnacks02: i dont think he looks THAT OLD!
KittyGotDarkMark: No!
KittyGotDarkMark: =D His voice is wicked deep, though!
ScoobieSnacks02: he is so not close to shaving.
ScoobieSnacks02: LOL it is
ScoobieSnacks02: he is one of those guys id sleep with to get in on the inside
KittyGotDarkMark: He's probably got a cock the size of Manhattan, with a voice that deep
KittyGotDarkMark: *ahem*
KittyGotDarkMark: =D
ScoobieSnacks02: LOL!!!
KittyGotDarkMark: heehee ^__^
KittyGotDarkMark: I wonder what Rowling will name her beebee
KittyGotDarkMark: It can't be Harry now if it's a boy
KittyGotDarkMark: OH MY GOD!
KittyGotDarkMark: No one is mistaking the Potter series for a literary masterwork; in fact, I could make a pretty persuasive argument that J.K. Rowling's writing shares more in common with such foods as Pringles and Velveeta than it does anything pertaining to literature
ScoobieSnacks02: lol she needs to name it DRACO!!!!!

*falls out fo my chair* THATS GRAND!
ScoobieSnacks02: that does some damage to JK Rowling
ScoobieSnacks02: but thats some funny shit there
KittyGotDarkMark: haha...that's what I thought.....Draco, the baby
KittyGotDarkMark: ^__^ I was offended
KittyGotDarkMark: but...heehee


ScoobieSnacks02: http://royaleblue.diaryland.com
ScoobieSnacks02: GO LOOK AT MY ICON!!!!!!
ScoobieSnacks02: I created the one that says: Sexy Slytherin Draco Malfoy
KittyGotDarkMark: SQUEEEEEE
KittyGotDarkMark: HOT HOT HOT!
KittyGotDarkMark: He's soooooooooo........
KittyGotDarkMark: delectable!
ScoobieSnacks02: LOL Indeed Indeed...
KittyGotDarkMark: YES YES YES!!!!
ScoobieSnacks02: lol
KittyGotDarkMark: We all must hail the AMAZING DRACO MALFOY!!!!
KittyGotDarkMark: The Amazing Bouncing Ferret!
ScoobieSnacks02: i think ive corrupted myself enough for tonight....

ScoobieSnacks02: LMAO!
KittyGotDarkMark: *giggles*
KittyGotDarkMark: This conversation is so going up on my diary....


ScoobieSnacks02: And watch tom felton find it
ScoobieSnacks02: and im us
ScoobieSnacks02: and he's all like
KittyGotDarkMark: Yeah, right
KittyGotDarkMark: HAHA............
ScoobieSnacks02: and we're like "Well shit, we're being HONEST!"
KittyGotDarkMark: He'd cry when he finds out we're....GASP! Eighteen!
ScoobieSnacks02: Yeah right is right but you NEVER know my dearie...
ScoobieSnacks02: LOL!
ScoobieSnacks02: He'd be like "Hey, older women, can I have your phone numebers?"
ScoobieSnacks02: "I'll take you for a ride on my *cough* private jet."
ScoobieSnacks02: Id be like "Dude, your jail bait. Get ahold of me when you're 16 and fly me to England. You are no longer jail bait then."

8:27 pm

My mom's a bitch. Yeah, a real big bitch. Seriously...she's ALWAYS on my case. *sigh* But anyway...

This is Draco. On a day off, during the summer. ^__^;

Yes, that IS a Bratz doll...yes, he IS in the girls' clothing. heeheehee... ^__^ Unfortunately, their stupid stump-legs don't let them wear the girls' shoes. Ah, well... ^_~

Ah, and today was an absolute waste! *smirk* I'm dreading filling out those blasted applications to stupid jobs at the mall...*sigh* I wish I had a job lined up before I lost my job at Mall Liquors. Ah, well... *pout*

Anyway, I'm doing a zillion things at once, so I'm gonna finish up here. I've *really* got to clean up downstairs...it bothers me that it is such a mess, so I avoid it at all costs. *smirk* Anyway...ciao!

Oh, but real quick.......I'm gonna be adding in a new survey! So go fill it out! =D

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Time for change! - 2004-02-04
Pay It Forward - 2003-08-10
CATS! - 2003-07-25
Happy 4th! - 2003-07-04
In Sirius Denial - 2003-07-01

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