Where Cat is, the weather is:
The WeatherPixie

Grrr...stupid counter reset itself!! >>_<<

Prisoner of Azkaban movie:

2003-04-10 - 1:56 a.m.

Since it's 2 am, and I'm exhausted, a post in third person! =D

Kitty is tired. Very tired.
Kitty saw Phone Booth tonight.
Kitty recommends!!

Kitty saw Jeff tonight (yay!). [Kitty met Jeff when seeing Melissa play at the Kendall Cafe back about a month and a half ago. *grin*]

Kitty giving details? No! Private, private, private!!!!

Kitty is utterly exhausted. Grrrrr.....sleep!!!!!!!!!!

10:35 am

Today's the 100th day of the year. Did you know that? Betcha didn't.
But, wow, we think of 2003 still as a brand-new year, don't we all? But it's really been here for 100 days.
In 100 days, it'll be the middle of July. And it'll be hot as hell. Right now, in Boston......well, it SNOWED yesterday. Right now the sun's all shining brightly and happily, but it's still only 38 degrees. But that's all right, it's almost 40. Don't need those huge wool coats right now, or anything like that.

On another note, today in history: In 1912, the RMS TITANIC left on its voyage across the sea to America! As we all know, 'twas an ill-fated journey, and the ship never made it where it wanted to go. Ah, well...'tis ancient history now! But we learned from their mistakes. And we now know what to NOT do on ships...heh...

Oh, yeah. Today is also Haley Joel Osment's birthday. He's 15. Wow......who'da thunk it? Kid still looks like he's 8. ^_~

Did I mention that Jeff was an extraordinarily great kisser?? Yeah, well...now I did. ;D But I'm not just kidding, either. He really is. He kisses like a girl...soft, gentle, almost sweet, mimicing your movements, while trying to guide his own at the same time.

Hmmmm.....since I know that *sooner or later*, he's gonna be reading that, wonder how he'll react! *grin*

Well, I've gotta get all showered up and such before heading off to work...Learning Express today. Oh, yay. -__-

----------8:42 pm----------

I just got in the door. I'm kinda ticked because I haven't seen Andy since Saturday morning, really. *sigh*
Having a stupid, stupid girly moment....I hung up from leaving a message on his answering machine, and I felt like crying.
I want so bad to call him at work, but it's not like he just sits around twiddling his thumbs at work. He's always so friggin busy. *sigh* And there's this cute guy, Gary, that likes me and stuff, and I feel so stupid and foolish cuz he's adorable, he's a nice guy, he's extremely artistic (he airbrushes cars and shit, and does glass etching and all this stuff).......and yet what do I do? I chase after Andy.
I feel so awful! Ugh! I tell him I love him, and now I'm getting all pathetically scared and shit that, I dunno, maybe I scared HIM off or something. Arrrrggghhh!!!!

Anyway, I've got to get to reading Emails and dodging IMs and such.

Why do I feel so drawn to Andy, when I have other guys I could go for? Everyone says he's too old for me, everyone says I can find a sweet guy my age.
But I can't help it! I absolutely love him!! Ahhhh!!!

...should I go down to Stop & Shop or something and get Chamber of Secrets at midnight??

10:40 pm

Shh...don't tell my mom. ^_~
Leaving now to go meet Andy at 11:30. heh heh.... ****innocent****

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Time for change! - 2004-02-04
Pay It Forward - 2003-08-10
CATS! - 2003-07-25
Happy 4th! - 2003-07-04
In Sirius Denial - 2003-07-01

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